Apr 16Liked by Mary Ellen Barrett

another perspective: my son is an adult living with autism. He would not have the life he has without the services he has had throughout his lifetime, in the public schools and now as an adult through OPWDD. Friends in other states (especially Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Texas) cannot believe how well he has done thanks to his supports. Of course his biggest supports have been my husband, myself and other family members but although we can do much for him, other families are not able to and the services provide a lifeline. We will never leave NY and are proud to stay here and contribute to our community. We are in NYC and Mary Ellen's taxes are higher than ours. I understand how difficult the decision can be to leave one's home state. Life brings changes and we have to be flexible and do what is best for our family. I'm sure like many moms I dream that my younger son will return to NYC after college, teach at our local high school and marry a young woman with family nearby....move in down the block...provide us with grandchildren. However, that is my dream not his and i accept that. Good luck and blessings to all of us women facing this transition time in our lives :)

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Apr 12Liked by Mary Ellen Barrett

I live in NC, which is a state lots of folks are retiring to and migrating to. I think it is a mess overall that so many people in so many parts of the world have to flee their native territory to take care of themselves and their families Overtaxation, corruption, threats of violence- whatever it is - it is an awful shame they are put in that position. I always come back in the circular argument, why is there no way to make life better in their native place? I know it is an age-old quandary.

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Youngest is 12 but we’ve always said we’d retire to be closer to the most children (Navy moves make it easier to always assume you are an outsider). Living in the South now with my New Yorker husband.

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